chemical companies should avoid or reduce the use of unnecessary derivatives

In the modern world, chemicals are usually treated coldly. People are worried about the environmental safety and health problems caused by harmful chemicals. In addition, chemical companies themselves have difficulty in dealing with toxic substances and spills safely. It's no surprise that people around the world prefer organic food to avoid these harmful chemicals. However, the fact is that chemicals are ubiquitous and unavoidable because they are essential in the manufacturing of infrastructure, electronics, household goods, and even the food we consume. As a result, the concept of green chemistry has emerged to soften the effects of harmful chemicals on the environment and human health. Green chemistry or sustainable chemistry focuses on designing products and processes to minimize the generation or use of hazardous substances. Different from environmental chemistry, it focuses more on the technology of preventing pollution and reducing the consumption of non renewable resources.

Eight principles of green chemistry


The saying "prevention is better than cure" is true not only in the health care industry, but also in the chemical industry. In green chemistry, it is crucial to design processes that reduce waste, because it is better to prevent waste in the first place than to treat or clean up waste after it has been generated.

Atomic economy

All chemicals in green chemistry are the result of atomic level reactions. Therefore, the reaction efficiency can be improved by calculating the atoms added and wasted in the final product. The manufacturer needs to measure the atomic economy percentage, which can be calculated by analyzing the formula weight of the atoms used and all other reactants.

Less dangerous chemical synthesis

This principle states that synthetic methods should be used whenever applicable, as they contain little or no toxins that affect the environment or human health. The chemical industry may face difficulties in implementing this principle of green chemistry, because chemists usually deal with highly toxic substances without substitutes. However, it can be practiced by paying attention to the materials used to cause chemical transformations.

Design safer chemicals

Participants in the green chemical industry should strive to reduce the toxicity of their final products without compromising their functional efficacy. The green chemical industry tends to favor highly reactive chemicals because they affect molecular transformation. However, it may also react with unexpected elements in the environment or in humans.

Safer solvents and additives

One of the most important principles of green chemistry is to avoid the use of auxiliary substances such as solvents and separators. Although the reaction may not be possible without solvents or mass separators, participants in the green chemical industry may choose to use safer auxiliaries.

Energy efficiency design

Chemical companies should reduce energy consumption when designing products to reduce the overall impact on the environment and economy. Green chemistry can be realized by using synthetic methods at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Improving the efficiency of green chemical energy in chemical production will reduce the dependence on fossil fuels.

Using renewable materials

While the concept of producing fuels and chemicals from materials that will never be consumed seems impractical, it is not entirely impossible. With the development of biotechnology, physics, agronomy, toxicology and engineering, this principle of green chemistry can become a reality. Therefore, in green chemistry, it allows chemical companies to use renewable raw materials or raw materials.

Reduce derivatives

Following the principle of green chemistry, chemical enterprises should avoid or reduce the use of unnecessary derivatives, including blocking groups, protection and temporary modification of chemical or physical properties. The use of such derivatives will require additional reagents to further generate additional waste during the production process.



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